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Bradstreet, Anne (Dudley)

(Encyclopedia) Bradstreet, Anne (Dudley), c.1612–1672, early American poet, b. Northampton, England, considered the first significant woman author in the American colonies. She came to Massachusetts…

Bradstreet, Simon

(Encyclopedia) Bradstreet, Simon, 1603–97, colonial governor of Massachusetts, b. Lincolnshire, England. He emigrated to New England in 1630 and was assistant in the Massachusetts Bay Company for 49…

Anne Bradstreet: Prologue

Prologue To sing of Wars, of Captains, and of Kings, Of Cities founded, Common-wealths begun, For my mean Pen are too superior things; Or how they all, or each their dates have run, Let Poets…

Anne Bradstreet: Another

Another Phoebus make haste, the day's too long, be gone, The silent night's the fittest time for moan; But stay this once, unto my suit give ear, And tell my griefs in either hemisphere…

Anne Bradstreet: Contemplations

Contemplations Sometime now past in the Autumnal Tide, When Phœbus wanted but one hour to bed, The trees all richly clad, yet void of pride, Were gilded o're by his rich golden head. Their…

Anne Bradstreet: Childhood

Childhood Ah me! conceiv'd in sin, and born in sorrow, A nothing, here to day, but gone to morrow, Whose mean beginning, blushing can't reveal, But night and darkness must with shame conceal…

Anne Bradstreet: Youth

Youth My goodly clothing and beauteous skin Declare some greater riches are within, But what is best I'll first present to view, And then the worst, in a more ugly hue, For thus to do we on…

Anne Bradstreet: Fire

FireWhat is my worth (both ye) and all men know, In little time I can but little show, But what I am, let learned Grecians say What I can do well skil'd Mechanicks may; The benefit all living…

Anne Bradstreet: Earth

EarthThe next in place Earth judg'd to be her due, Sister (quoth shee) I come not short of you, In wealth and use I do surpass you all, And mother earth of old men did me call Such is my…

Anne Bradstreet: Water

WaterScarce Earth had done, but th' angry water moved. Sister (quoth she) it had full well behoved Among your boastings to have praised me Cause of your fruitfulness as you shall see: This…